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Proper nutrition in preparation for pregnancy

It is necessary to accustom themselves to the proper nutrition before you begin to attempt to conceive. Fruits and vegetables should be in a balanced diet, its provide the body with fiber and vitamins, foods containing starch - potatoes, you, whole wheat bread and pasta, meat, fish and legumes - are the main sources of protein, dairy products rich in calcium.

It is strongly recommended to reduce the consumption of sweet, salty and fatty foods in preparation for pregnancy.

Pregnant women are susceptible to anemia, so the pre-start eating iron-rich foods like red meat and fortified cereals, dried fruits, bread, herbs and vegetables.

Keep in mind that food derived from a sufficient number of iron and vitamin B12 is quite difficult. Ask your doctor recommend nutritional supplements, which contain these substances.

In preparation for pregnancy is not recommended to eat:
Liver and vitamin A in large quantities
Dairy products that have not been pasteurized
Raw or poorly cooked eggs
Soft cheeses
Meat fish such as marlin, swordfish and shark
More than 140 grams of tuna a week