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Planning for the gender by measuring basal body temperature
The effectiveness of this method is up to 80%. According to this method if you want a daughter, the last sexual intercourse should be no later than 2-3 days before the date of ovulation. And if you are planning a boy, you should abstain for a week before ovulation. Sexual intercourse in this case it is better to have the day preceding or coinciding with the date of ovulation.
Advance preparation is necessary. First of all, it is necessary to determine as accurately as possible the date of the coming ovulation. To do this, make the following steps:
• Measure the basal body temperature for 2-3 months
• Construct a graph of the results of measurements
The desired day is calculated by the following principle: basal temperature before ovulation is below 37 ° C (36,6-36,8 ° C). On the day of ovulation, it is reduced to 36,2-36,4 ° C, and the next day rises above 37 ° C. Ovulation usually happens in the 12-16 day menstrual cycle in healthy women (the first day of the cycle - this is the first day of menstruation).
On the day of ovulation, many women feel a slight pain in the abdomen, mild nausea. You can determine the date of ovulation using daily (for example, the 10th day of the menstrual cycle) ultrasound monitoring of the growing follicle in the ovary - the day of ovulation, it disappears.
This method of planning the sex of the child based on the difference in sperm. Sperm carrying the male Y-chromosome are more mobile than carrying the X chromosome, and has had more chances to reach the egg. But the sperm with the X chromosome is more viable and can survive longer in the fallopian tube, "waiting for" ovulation.
Modern methods of planning gender of the child
The first one is based on the calculation of the date on which ovulation occurs in women. It is known that sperm carrying the "male" Y-chromosome, live on less than a sperm carrying a "female" X-chromosome, but they move more actively. Therefore, if sexual intercourse takes place on the day of ovulation, the "male" sperm to the egg come first, and after 9 months of light appears on the boy. And if sexual intercourse takes place 1-2 days before ovulation, the "male" sperm time to die at the time of oocyte maturation, and develops a girl.
This forecast is true in 58-63% of cases, that is, the effectiveness of this method of planning gender of the child is 8-13%.
The second "modern" method of planning offers prospective parents to refrain from love, if they want a girl, and make love as often as possible, so that a boy was born. It is assumed that the specific antibodies produced in the male in the case of long-term abstinence. These antibodies inactivate sperm carrying the Y-chromosome. Therefore, the probability of conception after abstinence girls is highest, and vice versa.
Stork performs correctly in the order of 65-70 out of 100 cases using this method of planning. However, a couple wishing to become parents of girls who have hard times, as the period of abstinence should last at least a half months, and abstinence should be very complete. Even a few kisses can spoil everything.
The European way of predicting baby's gender
In European countries, doctors are trying to predict the gender of the child, based on a theory developed by them, "Update of blood." According to this theory, blood in the male is updated every four years in a woman's body - every three years. Whose blood was "younger" at the moment of conception - and this will be his gender.
To use this method, you need to divide a man's age in years at the time of conception for four, and the woman's age - the three, and then compare the remnants of the division. Whose balance will be less - in fact, and younger blood.
Modern research has shown that Europeans could not compete with the Eastern sages in the accuracy of forecasts. The method of "Blood Pack" gives a correct prediction in 51-52% of cases, that is, its efficiency is only 1-2%. However, it is not surprising - according to modern data, the blood cells to actually live a maximum of 3-4 months.
Japanese way of conceiving a particular gender
Several centuries later, the Japanese started thinking about how to plan gender of the child. Living in the country of the Rising Sun was determined they would be born a son or daughter, by month of birth parents and the month in which conception occurred.
For example, if both the mother and the father of a child born in November then in February they will probably be conceived by a boy, and in July - a girl. If the mother was born in January, and the man - in July, then in January the most favorable for conceiving a boy, and to conceive a girl - in June.
However, the accuracy of this prediction is also very low - on average, it corresponds to reality in 55-58% of cases, that is, the effectiveness of this method of scheduling sex is 5-8%.
The Chinese way of conception a child a particular gender
Where machinery is powerless, experience and advice to help. The first such method was described in ancient China. Chinese sages believed that the gender of a child depends on the month of conception and maternal age at the time.
For example, the probability of conceiving a boy of 25-year-old mother in the autumn and winter months is the highest, and the girls - in the spring. And the 24-year-old woman is the opposite. There were even made special tables showing favorable months for the conception of boys and girls depending on age of the mother.
According to experts, these observations were made for thousands of years ago, to some extent correspond to the truth. Following the advice set forth in ancient China, in fact, increases the probability of the desired gender of the child, although the prediction accuracy does not exceed 60%.
How to plan the baby's gender?
Almost every married couple trying to plan the gender of the child. Someone wants to be the first boy was born, someone - to a girl. Unfortunately, the gender of the child is almost 100% dependent on a random set of circumstances, and he is determined at conception.
One X-chromosome gender contained in the female egg and male sperm can contain either X-, and Y-chromosome. If the egg is fertilized by sperm carrying the X-chromosome, the girl is born, and if the sperm contains a Y-chromosome - that boy.
Modern medical technology allows to separate the "male" sperm on "female" and increase the likelihood of birth given way to the floor of artificial fertilization such "same-gender" sperm. But this technology is very complex and not widely applied in practice.
How to get rid of fatigue during pregnancy
Healthy Sleep: A healthy and getting adequate sleep is necessary for women during pregnancy. Try to go to bed early and sleep at least nine consecutive hours. Happy arrange regular respite to his body: the body can compensate for the lost energy, after dozing in just 10 minutes.
Nutrition. A balanced diet with a normal content of vegetables, fruits, dairy products provide the female body more calories and will cope with fatigue. In no case can not fight the feeling of fatigue beverages containing caffeine, and fatty foods - is, on the contrary, cause a feeling of lethargy. It is important to drink enough fluids to the body does not suffer from moisture loss, and divide the three main meals into several small meals throughout the day - this will help make up for lost energy.
Physical activity: Even minor exercise (simple exercise or swimming) improve blood circulation, metabolism and allow you to cope with feelings of fatigue.
Pregnancy is associated with some discomfort in the life of every woman, but most problems can be solved very simply. Rest, sleep, healthy food and physical activity allow a woman to control her body and prepare the body for childbirth.
What causes fatigue during pregnancy?
The feeling of fatigue and exhaustion during the first trimester of pregnancy is absolutely normal: as a woman's body gets used to the physical and emotional changes, fatigue will then fits quite regular. During pregnancy, the woman's body receives an additional burden, as the new life gradually develops inside the female body. Hormonal changes and increased levels of the hormone progesterone cause further depletion and fatigue increases due to morning sickness, and ailments that during the first trimester is experiencing an absolute majority of women.
Usually, these symptoms begin to disappear by the end of the third month of pregnancy, and women experiencing emotional and physical recovery in the short term. The excess energy is observed for long - a sense of fatigue appears again with the beginning of the third trimester, this time for other reasons. Throughout the third trimester of fetal weight is gradually increased, the body is forced to cope with the increasing load. A pregnant woman is suffering from sleep disorders, frequent urination and other consequences of the increasing in the size of the stomach, which causes fatigue.
It is important to note that in some cases, the physician should be consulted when the feeling of fatigue persists throughout the second trimester of pregnancy. It is possible that fatigue - it is a signal of health problems, for example, depression or anemia.
Chronic fatigue in pregnancy is normal or disease?
Pregnancy is one of the most of exciting periods in the life of every woman, accompanied by, a number of quite nasty health problems. One of the most common problems - chronic fatigue is facing the majority of women at different stages of pregnancy, especially during the first and third trimesters.
When a plan is conceived?
Of course, these factors do not exhaust the entire set of arguments that guide couples planning to conceive. Sometimes career considerations come to the fore, and material resources. Someone definitely wants his child was born under a certain sign of the Zodiac, and carefully calculate the time of conception, based on the desired time of birth.
There are times when parents dream that their child's birth coincided (or in any case did not coincide) with a sort of holiday or birthday of someone of the older children or other family members. Sometimes, the future Pope (or the mom), whose birthday falls on the summer months, suffered in childhood from the inability to share the holiday with friends at school (since all are leaving in the summer), seeks to save his child from such a fate, and plans conceived accordingly.
In general - compare, weigh, "for" and "against" plan! No matter what you're guided by considerations when planning the time of conceiving a child, do not forget the need to undergo a medical examination prior to pregnancy (it is necessary for both prospective parents) parents should be sure that we have done everything possible so that their baby was born healthy!
Conceiving a child during the summer
In the summer of conception in the first trimester of pregnancy - the abundance of natural vitamins, and the last months of fall to late winter and early spring, when the night is still very prolonged, and, consequently, high content of melatonin in the body.
However, at this time can still be slippery on the streets, there remains the likelihood of epidemics of influenza and SARS. But the spring sunshine will delight the newborn baby (natural prevention of rickets), and summer fruits and vegetables will satiate my mother's milk with vitamins.
It is believed that the best time for conception - the end of summer - early autumn (birth occurs at the end of spring - early summer).
Conceiving a child in the winter or spring
In the winter Conception Pregnancy deprived of this advantage, which is present if the child was conceived in the spring and its birth is expected in late fall or winter. A child conceived and born in the winter, respectively, in the fall enjoy the same advantage. Winter is also necessary to pre-conceived "vitaminize".
Some inconvenience can deliver the hot summer months, coinciding with the second half of pregnancy (the probability of more severe late gestosis).
Spring conception takes place against the backdrop of a lack of vitamins (in advance so you should consult with your doctor and ask him to find you an appropriate vitamin complex).
In the summer term of pregnancy is not very large, so the season is more favorable course of pregnancy. The main advantage of pregnancy, which accounts for the end of autumn - early winter - the high content of melatonin in the body.
Cons - increased risk of SARS and influenza, as well as slippery (in winter), the streets and the need to wear heavy winter clothing. But the baby is born in the winter, though unable to walk in the fresh air and get enough sunlight immediately after birth, is protected from virus diseases (which are frequent in winter and early spring) due to maternal antibodies, which he gets the milk.
Conceiving a child in autumn
You can cause different considerations and arguments. Conceiving a child in autumn favorably by the fact that the expectant mother meets the burdens of pregnancy relaxed, her body full of vitamins and fortified summer vacation, implying a departure from the city and increase physical activity.
The last, most difficult months of pregnancy falls on a nice spring, when there is no need to carry a heavy coat, there is no danger of slipping and falling on the sidewalk covered with ice, but at the same time is the debilitating heat of summer has not yet begun. The heat can burden the development of preeclampsia in the second half of pregnancy.
The kid should be born in late spring - summer, which is good in terms of prevention of rickets. It is believed that the favorable course of the third trimester contributes to high concentrations of melatonin in maternal blood - the hormone of the pineal gland (pineal gland), which is released at night.
Age for conception
All had once heard such expressions as "early pregnancy" and "late pregnancy". There is a kind of golden mean - the age, the best for the child's birth. Indeed, the ideal age for a child's birth is the period from 20 to 35 years, though the woman is able to bear children after puberty (11-12 years) and up to the extinction of menstrual function (48-50 years). This is due both to the physiological characteristics of the female body (after pregnancy - is not simply the process of carrying a child in the womb, a restructuring of all organs and systems) and with psychological and social factors.
Do not forget that, according to statistics, the risk of having a child with genetic disorders is increased in women older than 35 years (for example, two times more likely having a baby with Down's syndrome). For men, this age limit is later. Now the world is actively carried out to study the influence of age on reproductive capacity of males. Although the final outcome so far, proved that the number of sperm in the ejaculate in men age 50 is significantly reduced, and hence reduced ability to fertilize. So, take into account the age - as his own, and partner, thinking about when you would like to conceive a child.
Day of cycle
If you just can not conceive a child may be in the first place, it makes sense to ask yourself the question: "whether we choose the time? Do not miss this most ovulation? "Usually, ovulation occurs two weeks before the next menstrual bleeding (in the ovarian-menstrual cycle is 28 days, the time of ovulation coincides with its middle), that is, if you cycle is 28-30 days, the best time for conception -14-16 day, however, this date may vary depending on the individual woman.
There are various methods for determining the moment of ovulation, basal body temperature by measuring (in the morning without getting up from bed, measure the temperature in the rectum, the moment of its rise indicates ovulation) to a home ovulation test (the test is based on the definition of increasing luteinizing hormone). Chances to conceive a child for a maximum of 48 hours after the positive result of a home test.
If you'd like it to conceive a boy or a girl it should be borne in mind that the sex of the child determines the sex chromosome, located in the sperm. Life expectancy and mobility of sperm carrying different sex chromosomes, are different. Sperm carrying the X chromosome (female) longer remain viable in the genital tract of women (on average 48-72 hours), but less flexible. Y-sperm (male) are more mobile, but live on less (on average 24-36 hours).
Wishing therefore bound to give birth to a boy to have sex on the day of ovulation. Couples dreaming of his daughter, can indulge in this occupation for 2-3 days before ovulation and during ovulation to abstain from sexual relations. Of course, we can not say that this method gives an absolute guarantee, but follow these guidelines increases the likelihood of multiple birth children the desired sex.
After the interruption of previous pregnancy
It is necessary to wait six months after an interrupted pregnancy - regardless of whether abortion is a miscarriage, or artificially, - before attempting to conceive. It is best to use this time to correct those violations which have resulted in a miscarriage or were an indication for abortion.
After the birth of previous child
Between conception and birth the next child must be at least two years. The two-year period must be observed particularly strongly after cesarean section. In addition, we must remember that it is desirable to observe the semi-break between the cessation of breastfeeding and conception. Woman's body was completely restored during this period and the woman is able to meet the burden of the next pregnancy without harmful stress for yourself.
After the abolition of contraceptives
It is advisable to refrain from pregnancy within 2-3 cycles after discontinuation of oral contraceptives, as well as after removal of the IUD. During this time, a normalization of hormone and vitamin and mineral balance, which affect oral contraceptives, as well as the wall of the uterus and fallopian tubes recovered to become active, its activity decreases under the action of IUDs.
After applying the paste spermicides can plan conceived in the next cycle (pregnancy, which came against the backdrop of these contraceptives may be complicated by malformations in the fetus), and such means of barrier contraception, like condoms and diaphragms, do not affect the probability of conceiving a healthy the child.
When is it best to get pregnant?
This question is increasingly worried about the people of both women and men who dream of having a baby: because the idea of family planning, we no longer refer to the category of purely theoretical. Modern man does not differ too healthy way of life: we accept a variety of drugs, are exposed to hazards at work, sometimes allow ourselves to some of the excesses in the form of alcohol and nicotine, etc.
That's why people are increasingly looking to continue the planning of their own kind - in order to best protect the unborn child from the consequences of all these adverse circumstances, as far as possible before removing them from your life. There are many considerations that influence the choice of the optimum from the standpoint of parents, time to conception (and, accordingly, the birth of) a child - from general medical to the purely personal, and sometimes funny.
Outset: evidence-based ideal time for conception does not exist. Moreover, the "unplanned" but welcome children are healthy, intelligent and loved no less than "planned." The timing of conception may be determined by various medical reasons.
Proper nutrition in preparation for pregnancy
It is necessary to accustom themselves to the proper nutrition before you begin to attempt to conceive. Fruits and vegetables should be in a balanced diet, its provide the body with fiber and vitamins, foods containing starch - potatoes, you, whole wheat bread and pasta, meat, fish and legumes - are the main sources of protein, dairy products rich in calcium.
It is strongly recommended to reduce the consumption of sweet, salty and fatty foods in preparation for pregnancy.
Pregnant women are susceptible to anemia, so the pre-start eating iron-rich foods like red meat and fortified cereals, dried fruits, bread, herbs and vegetables.
Keep in mind that food derived from a sufficient number of iron and vitamin B12 is quite difficult. Ask your doctor recommend nutritional supplements, which contain these substances.
In preparation for pregnancy is not recommended to eat:
Liver and vitamin A in large quantities
Dairy products that have not been pasteurized
Raw or poorly cooked eggs
Soft cheeses
Meat fish such as marlin, swordfish and shark
More than 140 grams of tuna a week
Difficulty in conceiving
On average, more than eight out of ten couples can conceive within one year of regular sexual intercourse with no contraceptive use. It is understood sex every 2-3 days for regular sexual contact. Attempts to plan the sexual intercourse in accordance with the menstrual cycle are associated with excessive stress, and in most cases not only fail to conceive, but also interfere with enjoying intimacy.
Both partners need to see a doctor for unsuccessful attempts to conceive a child for a year or more. Should consult with your doctor as soon as possible if a woman in a pair of over thirty five years, as well as irregular menstruation.
The likelihood of difficulties with conception is especially great for women who smoke, as well as those whose weight is below normal (BMI less than 18.5) or higher (BMI greater than 25). Need to lose weight before pregnancy. Later, dieting can be harmful to health as a future mother and her baby.
Refuse to contraceptives
Obviously, if you want to get pregnant, you should cease to be protected against pregnancy. You might be worried that after the application of certain contraceptives you may have problems conceiving. In most cases, these fears are unfounded.
Pregnancy can occur almost immediately after you stop using hormonal contraceptives, barrier contraceptives, and after removal of the IUD. If you used a contraceptive injection, the recovery of the ability to conceive may take a long time - it takes up to twelve months in some women.
Preparing for pregnancy - start with the therapist
More and more people realize that having a baby should always be a sensible step, and definitely need to prepare for pregnancy. Exercise, maintaining overall good health and normal weight and healthy eating significantly increases the likelihood that the pregnancy will proceed normally.
By the time you realize that you have been delayed menstruation, you are already pregnant for at least two weeks. That is, at this time of your future child is growing, and gets you to the nutrients (or not very useful - it all depends on your lifestyle) and health of your child during this period depends on your health. So start preparing for pregnancy before you embark on the first attempt to conceive a child.
41 weeks of pregnancy
A baby continues to grow ... and we ought to have, and the output with the things ... But no matter how comfortable it may be in the womb, to remain there forever, he could not. Your doctor may suggest you to encourage childbirth, if the child is born next week.
40 weeks of pregnancy
40 weeks pregnant! It is difficult to say for sure how much it will weigh your little. On average, babies born with a weight of 3.4-3.6 kg. and 50 cm, long bones of the skull is not spliced, allowing them to overlap slightly, reducing the diameter of the head during passage through the birth canal. However, babies are sometimes born with elongated, egg-shaped heads, but it passes quickly.
39 weeks of pregnancy
So, 39 weeks of your pregnancy. The person inside of you looking forward to meeting with the world. He continues to "load up" the subcutaneous fat, which helps thermoregulation after birth and will please mom chubby arms and legs. Baby weighs a little more 3.2 kg. Its length is a full-length - 48 cm
38 weeks of pregnancy
At 38 weeks of pregnancy your heir or heiress, finally "matured" and gaining weight at an average of about 28 - 30 grams a day. It weighs 3.1 kg, and the growth reached 47 cm baby can grasp hands firmly, what you'll soon be convinced by holding the pen for the first time. The organs and systems are ready for life outside.
37 weeks of pregnancy
Congratulations on 37 weeks of pregnancy! Now your baby is full term! So, if you start birth, doctors will not stop it, and the light baby ready for the first self-inhalation outside the womb. Look back, how much excitement, joy and discovery brought the last 8 months. And here you are with the baby on the eve of your meeting!
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