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Red urine

The red color of the urine does not necessarily indicate that there is blood in the urine.

This red color can come from:
In food and beverages:

Beets, blackberries, rhubarb, some energy drinks ... and some candy dyes or some capsules.

If the cause is a food, in principle, by stopping the consumption of these foods, your urine should return to its normal appearance.

Antibiotics or medicines:

-Certain antibiotics, laxatives, blood thinners, antihistamines, antipsychotics ... can change your urine red, with various shades. And in the case where you will under no medication, some supplements or high doses of multivitamins can be responsible.


Lead poisoning or mercury can make your urine red.
If you suspect poisoning consult your doctor. Also check your fillings if you have any.


The red color of the urine can also be due to the blood.
Blood in the urine can be a very serious problem because it can result from a dysfunction of kidney, bladder, prostate, if a man has a red urine, trauma of the abdomen or pelvis, or even a kidney cancer of the urethra, prostate, bladder ...

It is better to go to his doctor if you notice that your urine is red without the cause is due to the above.

Have red urine sporadically in a healthy person is generally not a concern.

However, if the color persists and / or is accompanied by odor, it is important to contact your health care professional, who can determine the reasons why your urine is red.