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Having a baby after 40 years ...

You have blown your forty candles for a few months, or years. Yet the desire to have a child your belly. The call of motherhood is becoming more pressing. What are the benefits, risks, disadvantages of late pregnancy?

The benefits

Birth after 40 years offers many joys. If you are physically fit, you'll begin properly after childbirth, as well as living the unspeakable joy of giving life to a little being that you will cherish, and that you cherish.

Moreover, couples who welcome a baby after age 40 are generally more stable emotionally and financially. They realized their dreams and have reached a sufficient maturity to deal with this major upheaval. In addition, they have accumulated experiences that will serve them for the education of their offspring. Finally, having a child, it keeps the young hearts and minds.

However, and although it is increasingly common, if you decide to have a child at age 40, you must be well aware of all issues.

Mom to 40 years: fertility

Becoming a mom is not just a snap or a strong desire, especially after 40 years. The possibility of pregnancy after one year of regular sexual intercourse declined significantly due to age. Thus, according to the Women and Health Network, the chances of pregnancy are 52% at age 35, from 35% at 40 years and only 5%, after 45 years. Certainly, you can always turn to a fertility clinic, but you need patience, a few thousand dollars and a healthy dose of courage.

Mom to 40 years: pregnancy

Despite the increase in life expectancy and medical advances, being a mom at forty poses risks to the health of the mother. Indeed, late pregnancy may cause the development of gestational diabetes, hypertension, or hemorrhage due to placenta previa: an abnormality that is characterized by the breakdown and partial separation of the placenta in late pregnancy or during childbirth.

Late pregnancy may also develop uterine fibroids: hormone-dependent tumor that usually appear on the wall of the uterus, either alone or in groups. Moreover, it is possible that the mother must give birth by caesarean section, particularly because of the relaxation of uterine muscles and greater rigidity of the pelvic bones. Risks are also doubled.

Mom to 40 years: the miscarriage

After 40 years, supports the uterus more difficult pregnancy. The risks of miscarriage are thereby increased. In fact, one in two women, in her first pregnancy, may not conclude it. Among those who gave birth, the risk of miscarriage is one in four. It usually occurs during the first 12 weeks of gestation, sometimes later. A problem of development of the fetus, uterus or its cervix, or a hormonal deficiency can cause the phenomenon.

However, if the warning signs (pain, loss brown or red, nausea, breast less sensitive) occur during the second or third trimester of pregnancy, the doctor can step in and charge you a rest that will be beneficial to continue adventure of motherhood.

Mom to 40 years: and baby

If late pregnancy carries risks for the mother, it also dangers in the unborn baby. It is possible that the latter is carrying a chromosomal abnormality, such as trisomy 21: a substantially higher risk in the mother forties. However, a blood test and an ultrasound performed between the 11th and 13th weeks can detect a potential anomaly. If this seems, amniocentesis will establish a more precise diagnosis. This review, however, involves the risk of miscarriage, once in 250.

Add the risk of preterm delivery. Baby will then fight for its survival. And, in some, premature birth can lead to complications of child development.

Mom to 40 years: the disadvantages

You put all chances on your side and your pregnancy is progressing normally. So much the better. Also note that the birth will change your life dramatically. Gone are 5-7 on Thursdays, you will instead rush to daycare, then take your child home. Gone also travel improvised as you leave the house with minimal luggage. You also give up the crazy trips to the hot spots or the nights of love based on an unbridled eroticism. You're mom, with layers to change the drink to give baths and concerns about the health of your offspring. Baby will take place, lots of room. Meanwhile, you will find that you no longer have the same resistance and the same patience as twenty years.

Add to that anxiety. Indeed, many women and some men question their ability to successfully cross the generation gap. Would I meet the expectations of my teenager (e) when I find myself in full menopause? Would I understand it, change with it? If you are open minded, it is likely that you managed to keep pace. Otherwise, you will need to consider before thinking about procreation.

In conclusion ...

If you choose to have a child in her forties, make a close medical supervision and be alert to any signs from your body and your uterus. You do not have to leave because of the risks inherent in late pregnancy. Adequate medical follow and a change in lifestyle habits are often essential to complete your life plan.

However, many moms say they reached their forties that the arrival of their little baby is the greatest joy that life has given them ...