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Get pregnant

Getting pregnant can sometimes be more difficult than expected. It is not enough to have decided to get pregnant to get pregnant. For some, indeed, the fact of pregnancy can be a bit more difficult than others. But remember, you can optimize your chances of getting pregnant, but ... this should not, by cons turn to obsession.

Pregnancy for a woman (as the dad) announced a major shift in life. Since giving birth to a child is not a decision taken lightly, she announces big changes. When desired, the fact of becoming pregnant should not turn the setting, as in France, 1 in 6 couples on average have difficulty conceiving a child. The causes can be numerous and come from both the woman than the man, but it is quite possible, by following a few rules, to put all the odds in your favor to conceive a baby.

Be calm

One thing for sure is that before anything else, the couple, who is preparing to have a child, should adopt a healthy lifestyle in order to create the best conditions, and to be better in their bodies as their minds. A healthy life is paying attention to his diet and give up (all is better!) To bad habits such as smoking, alcohol.

The female cycle

Of course, to get pregnant should make love, and the faster you love, the more you will maximize the chances of conceiving a child! Be aware that stopping the pill does not necessarily cause the resumption of ovulation immediately. Some women however have menstrual problems after stopping the pill, problems are already present before the pill, are secondary to making it (it is advised to consult your doctor in this case). It is not uncommon to not get pregnant 3 months after cessation of contraception. Some couples conceive right away, but others may wait a year.

It was during the time of ovulation, the woman has the best chance of getting pregnant. This period is approximately to the 14th day after the onset of menstruation for a 28 day cycle (for a 35 day cycle, day 21). There are now many pharmacies that advertise ovulation tests 1-2 days before the day of ovulation (they are based on the concentration of hormones in urine and are usually reliable to 96% ). But every woman can also calculate this time by taking the temperature of a cycle, because body heat is highest just before ovulation, as are the secretion of mucus and loss translucent. But the determination of the date of ovulation according to these criteria remains unclear.

A special diet?

Our grandmothers ate bananas in the hope of a boy, and now plans more or less miracles still exist for each pair of dream sex of her child. But above all, eating healthy really helps fertility. Better to stop any diet to lose weight, because a good balanced diet, often a sign of good health, is a must for getting pregnant in the best conditions. Do not eat too sweet or too salty but do not stop everything to not cause deficiency.

We must try to consume more folic acid (vitamin B9), known for his many virtues to the first moments of pregnancy. He warns including fetal malformations and the risk of having a small baby. Doctors recommend therefore in general to increase consumption before conception, which can also affect fertility ... Dad. Dietary intake of zinc and folic acid increases the sperm count.

And then there are the little things each and some methods. The first advise to salt up the dishes for a boy and cooked without any salt to have a girl. The method that would most results would be that of Doctor Dad. His method is quite strict and binding. So the menu, for a girl, to summarize, the preferred calcium and magnesium with dairy products, fruits and vegetables are cooked but mostly without salt. If you want a little boy, sodium and potassium are in the spotlight. So meat, sausage, fish, salted butter, but frozen or canned vegetables, accompanied by soft drinks, tea or coffee (in moderation) will be the menu.

Of course each plan, whatever it is, must be followed by their physician or gynecologist because deficiencies can occur. It will therefore perhaps rebalance the gaps caused by mineral supplements.

No regime is the miracle diet. And a boy or a girl, do it as important as that? The main thing is to get pregnant by a healthy baby! Cons by a large majority of doctors and gynecologists are joined on one thing: coffee, alcohol and tobacco have a negative impact on fertility.

Sometimes the problem comes from attachment to wanting a child immediately and at any cost. More torque is focused on the long-awaited pregnancy, the more the pressure mounts. The couple created itself an impediment to fertility. For this binding causes a stress that is really not good. The psychologists often advise women who have this fixed idea, to look differently: organize a vacation, a trip, take care in associations, etc.. Failure to think only this pregnancy, to focus on other things has a beneficial effect.

It is also advisable to practice yoga, for example, to provide long stretches of relaxations and live it all over calmly. Rest and sleep are to the agenda.

In many cases, couples, too obsessed with the desire to have a baby and did not work, turned to other methods or have adopted. Yet a few years after, and not being under any pressure because some unable to procreate, these couples eventually have children "naturally". The Entourage also plays an important role and can reassure the couple in their ability to become parents, good parents.

Some difficulties?

As some couples are sometimes many months before a woman becomes pregnant, it is important not to panic, because sometimes just a little less stress on the maternity just as expected. But there is nothing to consult her gynecologist who will provide many answers to your questions, or can you point to other solutions if there are problems fertility.

And dad in all this?

Future dads should, too, follow this advice regarding diet and be as calm and relaxed as possible. They must be interested in this pregnancy. By cons to show good attention, they may in turn wear shorts instead of briefs, because it seems that the heat causes an acceleration molecular forbid not to sperm. Men should avoid places exposed to heat and wear loose clothing. Spread the word!