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Sexuality: make love during pregnancy

All couples are brought during pregnancy to wonder whether sex poses no risk to the baby, and if we can continue to maintain satisfactory romantic relationships during this period. It is undeniable that the pregnant woman sees her desire and sensations become, subject to fluctuations and changes: then what are the ways to find a good balance between his libido and body different than oneself and the partner must tame ?

Having sex while pregnant?

It is often found that the sensitivity of women at this time is different, exacerbated, or on the contrary decreased. The consequences take many forms: his desire to make love may increase, making it more or less receptive to some caresses, but remain dormant at times to wake up to others. She and her partner will have to discover how this new body and probably invent practices previously.

If the desire is still there, it would be a shame not to have sex because of the presence of the baby: whatever can give pleasure to the mother, causing it to relax, promote their welfare, are necessarily beneficial to the fetus.

The only possible against-medical indication is of order: it is justified if risk of miscarriage, for example because of an open collar, or frequent contractions. Penetration can then be recommended, but not loving relationships!

Use your imagination!

Technically, as and as the belly grows, some positions become impossible, or simply less comfortable: it will suffice to show a little imagination and a good adaptability to find solutions! The secondary benefits of these temporary difficulties are rediscovering each other and exploring new behaviors, all that in curiosity and dialogue.

Some couples doubt be able to lead a normal sex life during pregnancy, because of the presence of the baby, they are afraid to upset if not hurt: remember that the baby is well protected by the amniotic fluid that the surrounds and absorbs shocks from outside, and the uterus is sealed by the mucus plug. Normal sexual intercourse, no particular violence, can not harm the little living in a bubble.

So please, if the desire is there, to find yourself in love to trade as often as you like: it will certainly be less easy in a few months, when baby will demand constant care that will leave you little time to fun and love ...