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Know the date of ovulation

- Signs to identify

Ovulation may sometimes be accompanied by certain symptoms:
- Tightness in the lower abdomen;

- Secretions clearer and more fluid released from the uterus;
- Increase the temperature a few tenths of a degree (0.3 ° C).

- Take its temperature

To try to find out when the woman ovulates, several methods are the most used is that of temperature.

Taking the morning temperature rise can detect the temperature rise that occurs after ovulation. From the data observed over several months, so it is possible to predict the next date of ovulation.

- Ovulation Tests

There are also ovulation tests that detect the presence in urine hormone causing ovulation. These tests are intended for couples who want to maximize their chances of pregnancy. They detect a hormone in the urine (LH) produced throughout the menstrual cycle but increases from 24 to 48 hours before ovulation.

It is therefore necessary to begin testing two to four days before the presumed date of ovulation. These must be carried out for three days on average. If a woman waits until the ovulation test is positive for fertilizing a report, it will never be pregnant. It is therefore recommended to have sex as soon as possible to maximize the chances of conception.

If despite this, the baby does not come as fast as the couple would like, we must not forget the essential: with regular sexual intercourse, the woman puts the odds on his side to get pregnant fast!