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Planning for the gender by measuring basal body temperature

The effectiveness of this method is up to 80%. According to this method if you want a daughter, the last sexual intercourse should be no later than 2-3 days before the date of ovulation. And if you are planning a boy, you should abstain for a week before ovulation. Sexual intercourse in this case it is better to have the day preceding or coinciding with the date of ovulation.

Advance preparation is necessary. First of all, it is necessary to determine as accurately as possible the date of the coming ovulation. To do this, make the following steps:
• Measure the basal body temperature for 2-3 months
• Construct a graph of the results of measurements

The desired day is calculated by the following principle: basal temperature before ovulation is below 37 ° C (36,6-36,8 ° C). On the day of ovulation, it is reduced to 36,2-36,4 ° C, and the next day rises above 37 ° C. Ovulation usually happens in the 12-16 day menstrual cycle in healthy women (the first day of the cycle - this is the first day of menstruation).

On the day of ovulation, many women feel a slight pain in the abdomen, mild nausea. You can determine the date of ovulation using daily (for example, the 10th day of the menstrual cycle) ultrasound monitoring of the growing follicle in the ovary - the day of ovulation, it disappears.

This method of planning the sex of the child based on the difference in sperm. Sperm carrying the male Y-chromosome are more mobile than carrying the X chromosome, and has had more chances to reach the egg. But the sperm with the X chromosome is more viable and can survive longer in the fallopian tube, "waiting for" ovulation.