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Day of cycle

If you just can not conceive a child may be in the first place, it makes sense to ask yourself the question: "whether we choose the time? Do not miss this most ovulation? "Usually, ovulation occurs two weeks before the next menstrual bleeding (in the ovarian-menstrual cycle is 28 days, the time of ovulation coincides with its middle), that is, if you cycle is 28-30 days, the best time for conception -14-16 day, however, this date may vary depending on the individual woman.

There are various methods for determining the moment of ovulation, basal body temperature by measuring (in the morning without getting up from bed, measure the temperature in the rectum, the moment of its rise indicates ovulation) to a home ovulation test (the test is based on the definition of increasing luteinizing hormone). Chances to conceive a child for a maximum of 48 hours after the positive result of a home test.

If you'd like it to conceive a boy or a girl it should be borne in mind that the sex of the child determines the sex chromosome, located in the sperm. Life expectancy and mobility of sperm carrying different sex chromosomes, are different. Sperm carrying the X chromosome (female) longer remain viable in the genital tract of women (on average 48-72 hours), but less flexible. Y-sperm (male) are more mobile, but live on less (on average 24-36 hours).

Wishing therefore bound to give birth to a boy to have sex on the day of ovulation. Couples dreaming of his daughter, can indulge in this occupation for 2-3 days before ovulation and during ovulation to abstain from sexual relations. Of course, we can not say that this method gives an absolute guarantee, but follow these guidelines increases the likelihood of multiple birth children the desired sex.