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Strepsils ® Tablets suck
What is it and how to use it?
Strepsils are lozenges with an antibacterial effect against germs to cause inflammation of the oral mucosa.
Strepsils is used to support the local treatment of infectious and inflammatory conditions of the oropharyngeal cavity.
What should you consider before you use it?
Generally, in case of bacterial infection, assess the need for a targeted antibacterial therapy.
During a suspected viral infection, Strepsils is not fighting the cause of the condition.
During a suspected fungal infection, treatment with an appropriate antifungal (medicine for the targeted treatment of fungal infections) is required.
The couple and their pitfalls
Pregnancy and postpartum
Sexuality during pregnancy appears to be in the minds of many, very compatible, if not totally prohibited. This prohibition covers the period of pregnancy and the postpartum period of time after delivery to "return rules."
On the medical side, most studies conducted from 1989 to 1995, show that sex is possible and even desirable during pregnancy unless there is a cons-formal indication prescribed by the gynecologist or obstetrician, as such a threat of premature delivery.
Although there is a cons-indication to penetration, it is good to keep games erotic, sexual and emotional.
Due to the increased hormonal impregnation and circulation in the vessels encircling the vagina, lubrication becomes more abundant and stronger pleasure.
Sexuality and pregnancy: Why does he want me more?
Your breasts become more generous, your body flourishes and your belly swells ... In short, you feel that pregnancy makes you sexy and desirable. But your spouse does not see maybe not in this eye. Some men may indeed be remote to show respect to their pregnant wives, to refuse to have sex. Here are some ways to better understand why a man may avoid sex during pregnancy of his wife.
Fear of hurting the baby
Sexual intercourse during pregnancy is usually safe. Yet some men are afraid of hurting the baby or cause a miscarriage, unaware that the fetus is well protected by the amniotic fluid and uterus.
The feeling that a third person is present in the room
Certainly, if that person was Jessica Simpson, he did not complain! But when he feels the presence of her child, this can cause him a sense of unease. It may seem that a third person is present when you have sex.
Depression during pregnancy
Your pregnancy test is positive and you want to share the good news with everyone. We congratulate you, embrace you! Yes, you are happy to be pregnant, but deep inside yourself, it is not expected ecstasy. A small depression show even the tip of his nose. You feel guilty for being sad, short, not great shape. You are not alone: some mothers go through this difficult phase.
Symptoms of depression
Pregnancy can be a time serene and very joyful. Unfortunately, we are not all housed in the same boat. At least 10% of pregnant women suffer from bouts of depression.
This is a taboo for some mothers. We always returns being pregnant was a joyous time. Is then put this sadness on account of sullen moods that often accompany pregnancy. But depression can be a real problem for some women.
A couple of 6 splits during the first pregnancy
Sexual intercourse during pregnancy, it is sometimes very complicated in the life of a couple.
37% of pregnant women or less or not at all want to make love! This observation raises the difficulty of torque through a pregnancy: One in 6 couples will separate during the first pregnancy. So this is a difficult step for both men and for women.
Yet sexuality should not be banned during this phase of the couple's life: It's an extremely delicate moment for the man and woman. Take the time to talk and remember that sex is not prohibited during this period. Must be maintained if possible sexually active during pregnancy. Man must also be aware that this is a delicate time for the woman! Some women are afraid, and many men also, to make love during pregnancy ... because they are afraid of hurting the baby. They should not hesitate to talk with their doctor or sexologist. It is also important to remember that the penetration is not an exclusive sexual relationship. There are many preliminary or erotic games that can make the couple feel more comfortable in this sensitive period of pregnancy.
Get pregnant
Getting pregnant can sometimes be more difficult than expected. It is not enough to have decided to get pregnant to get pregnant. For some, indeed, the fact of pregnancy can be a bit more difficult than others. But remember, you can optimize your chances of getting pregnant, but ... this should not, by cons turn to obsession.
Pregnancy for a woman (as the dad) announced a major shift in life. Since giving birth to a child is not a decision taken lightly, she announces big changes. When desired, the fact of becoming pregnant should not turn the setting, as in France, 1 in 6 couples on average have difficulty conceiving a child. The causes can be numerous and come from both the woman than the man, but it is quite possible, by following a few rules, to put all the odds in your favor to conceive a baby.
Be calm
One thing for sure is that before anything else, the couple, who is preparing to have a child, should adopt a healthy lifestyle in order to create the best conditions, and to be better in their bodies as their minds. A healthy life is paying attention to his diet and give up (all is better!) To bad habits such as smoking, alcohol.
How to maintain its torque
Parents of twins: not easy to manage the arrival of two babies! According to a recent study, parents of twins or triplets are more likely to divorce. One reason cited is the financial cost of these births, which would deteriorate the relationship. Moms of twins are 20% more not to return to work after maternity leave. A loss of this income is added as the purchase of health products, clothing, beds, strollers ... multiplied by 2 or 3.
Besides the financial aspect, another enemy of your relationship is the short time that you spend. When you brought home your adorable little ones, everything was ready. You had bought a baby monitor, baby beds and two layers (lots of layers!). You have undoubtedly studied many books explaining how to take care of your babies, and how to achieve manage multiple. As you are trained for what surely will be one of the biggest races of your life, no one told you to train yourself to fight the inevitable tensions that these little ones will not fail to create in your torque.
You are probably very busy, but take a tiny step back. Make your marriage a priority. If this is not the case, the father will suffer, the mother will suffer, and ultimately, the entire family will suffer. It's hard, it's worth it. Your family does look better, and ultimately, you'll love!
Live pregnancy with confidence
Once pregnant, some women become anxious and need reassurance. So how to be as serene as possible?
Wanting a child is motivation and stuff. Moreover, a man is not necessarily the same project a woman, when it comes to have offspring.
The motivations to conceive are sometimes difficult to understand: some are conscious, others more hidden. Some couples are clear regarding their desire, others are rather uncertain and do not have the same level of desire. For some, having a child is a sign of love shared, a common project. For others, a child gives meaning to their lives, or leaves a trace of their passage, or a child will be raised to give him what his parents did not.
Sexuality of pregnant women in 10 questions
Sexual relations do they suffer the baby?
There is no risk of making love for the baby. It is fully protected and quietly immersed in amniotic fluid. When a normal pregnancy and in the absence of any indication-cons, reports continue to have citizenship in the couple! Just be a little creative to find the most comfortable positions over the month!
Pregnant women have a greater desire to make love?
In early pregnancy, expectant mothers do not feel at their best and desire is not always the go. In the second quarter, finished the feeling of nausea! That's when some women feel that finally bloomed and see their libido skyrocket! The third quarter was more difficult for parents. Reports can become uncomfortable. But it depends on the couples and everyone has their conception of sexuality during pregnancy.
Sexuality during pregnancy
How pregnancy changes your sex life
There are things that can mark a milestone in the pregnancy a couple's life. Emotions such as anxiety, fear, surprise, can occur throughout it. Sex during pregnancy has long been considered taboo. Now it usually continues throughout pregnancy, although this varies from one couple to another and at different times. Many women do not want to have sex during pregnancy, while others see their libido increase, there is no general rule. The woman's body will change over time as the fetus grows. The breasts become increasingly volume, and there will be plenty of other things to face, such as nausea, fatigue and prepare for changes that will occur in your lives. Sometimes it's even the dad who sees his libido decrease, for example by the fear he may have hurt the baby.
Hormones circulating in the body of the woman are very high levels during pregnancy, and it frequently happens that the color of the vulva and darkens the lips thicken.
How is the human desire during pregnancy?
We have seen, the desire and libido of the mother varies during pregnancy, and depends on many things, which makes it difficult or impossible to predict accurately what he will.
Spontaneously, one might be led to believe that it is in women that changes will occur and will affect the couple's sexuality. But it appears increasingly that many women face the changes of man in this area. Now that sex during pregnancy is no longer a taboo, it is not uncommon to see women say they feel lost to the reactions of the future dad, they do not recognize.
Of course, in the case of man, everything is played on a psychological level, given that apart from a few rare cases where the dad is the couvade, there is no physiological change in the body of it thereof.
Pregnancy and lack of sexual desire
Sexual desire during pregnancy varies from woman to woman
Be a loss of sexual desire does not make you a monster! During pregnancy, some women will flourish, while others sexually at all. For some reason, it is a matter of hormones or psychology ... Did you know that sexual appetite varies from one woman to another? And that there was no sexual normalcy?
Future mom and future dad see their disturbed sexuality, one way or the other!
Not easy to understand what happens when your hormones are playing tricks you. You feel bad about your baby and you do not know how to find this desire before pregnancy. It frustrates you, but know that you fear that you are not the only one in this situation. You have the right not to want! It is often criticized for women but men also can have blockages! Either you find even more sensual or ultra-feminine with your new figure and the desire is rising or it is blocked and there, there is nothing to do. The sight of your belly grows, the fear of hurting the baby ... His vision of the woman may change, the status of a lover, you go to the status of mothering, which can interfere and make it take the distance report to you. So stop feeling guilty! To remedy this, we must discuss both. Communication is the key to the couple! Understand and to listen are essential qualities for the mood of the couple is looking good. Do not deprive yourself.
Although this is not sexual, continue to cuddle
How to boost sex drive in your relationship during pregnancy
Not easy to stay beautiful and zen during the nine months of pregnancy without feeling tired and without knowing a decreased libido. Here are some tips to keep hot relationships!
Pregnant, take care of your appearance to stay sexy
Hormones are working at full capacity and oily hair would reign supreme. No way to wear a hair oily and sticky.
Your dress is also important. Why drag in tracksuit pants when a light colored top will make you in the eyes of Julius the most beautiful woman pregnant? Take care of your body is more than ever required. Simply to avoid the big pitfalls of pregnancy. Hydrate such as areas prone to stretch marks: the breasts, stomach and hips. It is an action that your man will remember after pregnancy. Ask him to massage, and stress can become a special moment between you.
Special attentions to boost libido
3D4D Ultrasound - a look at the pros and cons
When it comes to ultrasound 3d4d, there are many things that must be considered. There are many different advantages of this type of ultrasound. Although there are a few of these advantages that can benefit from a medical point of view, the majority of benefits that arise from this type of ultrasound is not medically related. Many women desire to have this type of procedure done during pregnancy because they are able to have a better bond with their unborn baby. Take the time to watch the various advantages and disadvantages of three or four dimensional ultrasound can help determine if this is for you.
One advantage of having this procedure done most common is the fact that it helps increase the bond that the mother and father built with their unborn baby. You can actually see the features that your baby will have before he or she was born. When you have the ultrasound done, you are able to see the baby's movements as you would in real life. You can see things like thumb sucking, eye blinking, waving his arms, kicking and other movements as well. This can make real sense of having a child more real. Just like the feeling, the first kick can help make a pregnancy seem more real, as does a three or four dimensional ultrasound.
Frozen: advantages and disadvantages
With the arrival of baby food you buy deserve closer scrutiny than usual. This is particularly the case of frozen: when to use them to feed your child?
They preserve the nutritional qualities of foods
This is especially true for products of the vegetable garden. Generally conditioned on the place of production, often better preserve frozen foods and vitamins that fresh fruits and vegetables, which lost in transport, on supermarket shelves and in the fridge.
They can be used from the fourth month
The frozen vegetables can be used to compose your purees in the early stages of diversification of feeding your baby. You just have to choose them without salt or fat, which is generally the case for fresh vegetables. Prefer them anyway to preserves, which are invariably too salty.
Joint custody: the advantages and disadvantages
The home care is expensive, so why not share the cost with another family? This is advantageous and when relations are good, it helps to create bonds of friendship and sharing. Only downside: it must agree before entering. Our advice.
The principle of shared custody
The guard is made alternately in the homes of two families. Each pays the hours that the employee performs at his own home. It is essential to establish an employment contract.
The benefits
Children are in an environment they know, while adapting to the other house, every other week.
The fact that each child be kept small with a companion promotes socialization. That happiness in perspective, especially if the nanny is the best!
Parents are reassured. They can come home early and see their children. When one of them is sick, he stays warm!
Then the system expands the family. Indeed, when relations are good, it creates bonds of friendship and sharing.
This is advantageous: the costs are halved.
Having a baby after 40 years ...
You have blown your forty candles for a few months, or years. Yet the desire to have a child your belly. The call of motherhood is becoming more pressing. What are the benefits, risks, disadvantages of late pregnancy?
The benefits
Birth after 40 years offers many joys. If you are physically fit, you'll begin properly after childbirth, as well as living the unspeakable joy of giving life to a little being that you will cherish, and that you cherish.
Moreover, couples who welcome a baby after age 40 are generally more stable emotionally and financially. They realized their dreams and have reached a sufficient maturity to deal with this major upheaval. In addition, they have accumulated experiences that will serve them for the education of their offspring. Finally, having a child, it keeps the young hearts and minds.
The inducing labor
The advantages and disadvantages of childbirth triggered
Advantages and Disadvantages for the mother:
- The advantages lie mainly in the aspect of organized labor.
Make an appointment for delivery ensures the presence of the father, can be well organized to keep seniors.
- This also will be sure to be given birth by her obstetrician or the midwife, and thus maintain some continuity between the monitoring of pregnancy and birth, especially when the trust was established!
- The trigger also ensures the availability of the anesthesiologist for placing the epidural.
- The disadvantages are physiological contractions are more intense, and you find yourself more easily in a state of hypotension.
- Childbirth is generally longer, so we left the labor room: fatigue!
- It may finally be shocked by the hyper-medicalization, and the instrumental use is more common.
The advantages and disadvantages of being a mom of 35 years and over
Many women today expect more late to have a child. They are often highly educated, highlighted their careers and have therefore decided to start a family after 35 years. For others, fertility problems have forced them to be patient and medical advances in this field gave them the chance to design but a little later than expected ... The upside is that these women often 35 years and older are more emotionally and financially stable than younger mothers.
You are pregnant
Late pregnancy is more prone to miscarriage and chromosomal problems are more common, so detection tests are available from the first quarter, allowing it to be more relaxed on the continuation of pregnancy.
The mother of 35 and older, more mature, is generally better able to monitor his health and ensure the smooth running of her pregnancy. In return, she will probably be more tired and more prone to conceive twins, even without treatment against infertility. A special monitor, the rate of diabetes and blood pressure, which can occur more than young mothers.
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