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Infant colic

When an infant colic used family completely upside down during the time duration of colic. It can be a heavy burden to stand helpless with a baby who cries inconsolably. But there are some simple things you can do.

Some of them may help the child, and some will help you as a parent. Only the realization that to do something, to have something to choose from, can help.
Always remember: colic go over!

What is colic?

The big problem with colic is that you do not know what it is. There are several different theories, but none of them has yet been convincing, this is meant that neither of them has led to a good treatment, and this despite the fact that 10-15 percent of all children suffer from colic.

The most common theory assumes that there is an overactivity in the child's intestines, which by their rapid movements leading to something akin to a kind of intestinal cramps. According to another theory, the bowel movements may be too slow, so that intestinal air is collected and provides the child abdominal pain as the air expands the intestines. Still others believe that colic has something to do with how quickly the child eats, it eats too much, or that it swallows too much air and not burped enough. About 30 percent have a cow's milk hypersensitivity and may be considered for the mother drinking cow's milk if the baby is helammat.

How do you know that your baby has colic?

Colic can be recognized in a number of characteristic signs:
Koliken begins during the first two to four weeks of the child's life, and usually last for about three months.
There are loud crying, often in a few hours at a time. The child is inconsolable and periods often occur at the same time of day, and come back once or twice a day.
The child has stomach pains, pulls his feet up under themselves and clenches his hands.

Some children are noisy kurranden from the stomach and a lot of intestinal gas.

Make sure that there is something other than colic, which causes the child's problems. Long, loud and inconsolable crying should always be examined before you accept that it is colicky baby is suffering from.

Other diseases that can cause long, loud cry, for example, bowel obstruction, a wedged testicle or referred pain from other body. If you are not sure what it could be, you should always consult a physician.

Alleviated gripes about modern eat another diet?

One theory is based on colic is caused by or exacerbated if the mother eats food that stimulates the production of air.

Food and drinks that produce a lot of air is:

- Orange juice
- Vegetables, especially onions and cabbage
- Fruits such as apples and plums
- Spicy food
- Chocolate, coffee, tea and other caffeinated drinks

The only thing you can do is to try things out. Try one thing at a time and see if the child's colic is changing. It is best to leave two days between each new thing you eat, make sure you know what it is baby responds to.

What can you do for colic baby?

Since there is no simple explanation for what colic is, there is not one single advice to help. But there are many little advice that might be worth trying. Many colicky baby is calmer if rocked back and forth, such as a rock in a rocking chair or on your lap. Other children helped by wearing in a sling on his stomach. This helps the small rocking motions and heat from the adult's body.

In connection with colicky baby meals you can try:

- To give the food more slowly.
- Letting the baby burp often.
- To let the child sit upright while eating.
- If you are breastfeeding, try to exclude all dairy products for a few days.
- If your baby formula, you may want to switch to another brand that is not based on cow's milk, to see if it gives effect. Talk to your health visitor or pediatrician.

Colic Kids can sometimes be soothed by music or monotonous sounds. Some parents felt that their colicky child become calm if they started running the vacuum cleaner or a turn with the car. It can be a good idea to sing to the baby. This calming parents, then you know you are doing something for the child.

In recent years it has been discovered that there are colicky child who has been helped by massage. A light massage on the child's bare stomach may help to reduce pain and help the child to release him. When you massage your baby's tummy, it is important that you do it with light circular movements, from left to right (if you're standing at the child's feet). The reason for that to happen in this direction is that the colon is like that inside the baby's stomach and that you thereby stimulates the bowel to move in the right direction, allowing the child to release the air.

For some children, it helps to wrap them tightly in a blanket or keep them firmly embedded.

Try it out and ask a child health nurse for advice if you have any concerns.

How do you have a colicky baby?

It is a great burden to have a colicky baby. Just the feeling that the child was so bad that it cries for hours and is inconsolable, is terrible experience for any parent.

Remember though that the child is healthy and that within a few months outgrow colic. Koliken has no impact on child development.

You must also take care of yourself during this difficult period. It may be necessary, as the parents of a colicky child take turns caring for the child in periods, so that one parent has time to rest for the time. It may also be necessary to call in friends and relatives who gain sometimes. It is better to ask for help than to be cracked with fatigue.

It can also be helpful to talk about how difficult it is to be a parent. Talk to each other about how frustrated and disappointed you feel that the romantic infancy was not at all like you imagined. Talk also with each other for the inexplicable and illogical guilt that you are experiencing. You are not indebted to gripe! It can also be very helpful to talk to other parents who have experienced the same as you. If you do not themselves know someone you can child health nurse might mediate.