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Pregnancy: the psychological preparation

Pregnancy ends happily, if both parents are thoroughly prepared for it physiologically and psychologically. Child's health depends on the condition of the nervous system of the future mother. Pregnancy and childbirth is stressful for the body. If a young woman always before overreact to stressful situations, then it is better to attend a special program for pregnant women, specifically women prepare for childbirth.
It has long been known that the marriage, childbirth and funerals are the most significant events in the life of every woman. And she should come to them prepared. In stressful situations, people tend to strain to react violently. This causes muscle tension, spasm of blood vessels and can cause oxygen starvation of the child. Another situation - a simple family scandal could result in drama, tears, changing hormonal levels. The situation when one wants to hide in a corner and doing nothing is familiar to almost all pregnant women.
All this could affect the baby's health.