It is called fear of childbirth is when the woman and sometimes the man feels a deep concern and fear of childbirth, a feeling that they themselves can not handle.
How common it is with fear of childbirth is not known because there is so little documented on the subject.
It might seem that the phenomenon has become more common over time, but it can also be part of the social and cultural development. It is more permissible to speak openly about their feelings today.
What is the woman afraid of?
Women's experiences are affected by both physical and psychosocial factors. Giving birth is so much more than just a physical process. The pregnancy has led to the woman matured and aims at a transformation of her identity. She will never be the same as she had been, but shall forever be altered to become a mother. The changes in her body and on the psychological, personal and social forces change and adapt. Joy and expectations change with worry and anxiety in most people. In some women, taking the upper hand and expressed concern that fear of childbirth.
Fear can be induced by various factors:
Primiparas often express their fear of concerns over how it may be possible to give birth to a child but that they will break apart and crack.
Perhaps the woman has negative experiences of previous hospitalization. Sexual exploitation and abuse can make it particularly difficult.
It is common fear of pain. Some people find to be particularly pain-sensitive individuals.
Fear of losing control, of dying or losing her mind.
Fear of not getting help, or that the child be injured or die.
Multipara often have a negative experience of a previous birth as the basis for fear of giving birth again.
Another significant factor in women can be afraid of giving birth may be a poor partner relationship or a bad connection with his own mother.
What kind of help?
Already in talks with the midwife in maternity care ridden many concerns out. It belongs to the maternal health care responsibility to deal with similar problems. In many maternity wards have open house for prospective parents, where they can come and learn about the environment and get information about what happens when they come in to have her baby. Even in parental education on maternal health care is often provided parents' group to make a visit to a maternity ward with associated BB.
However, there are some cases where no maternal health care resources permit. Then there is in most places, a collaboration with the labor ward at the associated hospital. The pair / mother must meet a midwife who is specially trained in the area and it is possible also to enlist the help of counselors and obstetricians. Agreements, wishes and guidelines arrived at during calls record is kept well and are on hand when the mother comes to labor to give birth.